Today is a big day for adoptive families like ours. All of our months and hours of preparing applications, having doctor appointments, coming up with the first 1/3 of our adoption fees, waiting on others to do their paperwork, needing "approvals" and the many, many days of doing NOTHING BUT having to wait, come to an end when we finally are DTC (Dossier To China).
Whew. it is a great feeling...Now all our documents have been authenticated by our US government and the Chinese Consulate that they are the "real" deal and then all sent to China's adoptive agency called CCCWA.
We are told it takes 3-4 weeks for China to get it all and LID, Log In Date (in other words enter our request to adopt and the documents in the queue for approval). Then we start our official count for our LOA (Letter of Acceptance) which is even a bigger day!!
Keep in mind China's queue has no rhyme or reason to how or when they approve you. We imagine that there must be some slower workers, faster workers, more organized ones, messy ones that lose documents and sometimes the files that were being worked on in order all fall to the ground and become a heap of a mess causing the order to be out order after all. Of course, this is just speculation.
It feels so surreal that we are at this point. It is almost 11 months exactly from this time last year when we were at this point for Elliana and Isaiah. What a relief. Now onto more waiting! Thank you for your prayers. I am also going to be requesting some more updated information on Adelia and hoping for more photos to share.
Congrats! So true about the "no rhyme or reason"...We received our proposal for a little boy on Sept. 16 and I will be travelling 1 week from today (not even a full 3 months)...another couple in the same province as I (different agency though) will only travel in January -- ONE YEAR since their proposal...just doesn't make sense to me! Hope all goes well for you and your precious girl!