
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

When We Give To The Least of These

I LOVE this song by Audio Adrenaline. 

Is it possible to  be a Christian, a Christ follower, a Believer, a friend and disciple to Jesus, one who should have a heart after our Abba Father and still walk away from the needs of these innocent, precious children? Can we claim we don't have any money, time or ability to help them when we have Christ living in us, who gave us E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!!! 

I mean every little crumb of food we eat, every little breath we take, every single night we get to sleep in a warm, safe, comfortable bed and every day we live (oh what a gift they are). And then to top it all off, He sent HIS one, only, perfect, Son, the King of all Kings to DIE for us, for me and raise from the dead so we can conquer death, sin and live for eternity with our merciful, gracious, loving Father.

I have been reading that most churches in America don't even have an orphan or adoption ministry. However, they find many ways to make their church more comfortable and fancy with coffee shops and more. (I am not saying I am against comfortable and coffee shops either, just making an analogy.)

There are millions and millions of children around the world and here in the US who need a family. If every Christian family would help just one child there would be no more orphans. I can't fathom that, but I know we have a Father God who does want to see that happen and He will make a way. There are families being awakened to that need, but they don't have a lot of support. Adoption is a long, tiring, expensive, emotional, frustrating and lonely journey. And because it IS God's heart the attacks from the enemy are strong. But the church's love, prayer, support and encouragement will help all of that to be none or in the least strong against the attacks.

Come alongside your adopting friends. Pray for them faithfully, encourage them, love their children even the ones not adopted, babysit for them, take them a meal before and after the adoption, just be a listening ear and show them Jesus' love for the "least" of these.

If you truly have examined your lives and hearts and believe you just have nothing else to give of your God-given resources then pray some more for Him to show you how. What can you give to the "least" of these? Will you minister to the families choosing to adopt? Will you go to the mission field and serve them face to face? Will you adopt yourself?

Don't be known as the "Lukewarm" church like in Revelation 3:14-22: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."

Here is a side note. I got a precious few photos today from a mom who just adopted her 2 year old from the same orphanage as Elliana is at. Here are a couple of her cuteness. 

Oh, these last few months are getting harder and harder. She looks like she needs to smile and be loved. How did "I" become the one that God chose to love these beautiful children? Thank you Lord of Heaven for your amazing, love for me to allow me this opportunity to love the "least" of these. 
Please pray our Letter of Acceptance (LOA) will come by the end of next week from China. That will keep us right on track to travel the last week of May to get her and Isaiah. Please also pray for our finances. We have received a few donations which we are ever so grateful, but we don't want to ask our friends for anymore. We know everyone has commitments and struggles like all of us. We are looking at a grant that we know 2 families personally received, but we don't think we will qualify for various reasons, but we are going to try and apply anyway. We do think we can save the majority of what we need by end of summer, but we want to travel in May not August. We are looking at refinancing our house which will give us a little bit too. However, our tax refund was only 20% what I thought it would be and then we owe state a pretty large sum of money too. I am asking that God would provide in only a miraculous way that is obviously Him.

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