
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Medical Update

The last few weeks have been big in adjustment, but really going well. God has been gracious, patient and merciful to me as I learn to mother 2 new, sweet, needy children. It has really been physically and emotionally exhausting some days, but I KNOW with prayers of others God has given me an extra measure of strength. I am so thankful for that, and it keeps a joy in my heart. 

I knew parenting these 2 babies was going to be hard work. The first few days Jay went back to work, I thought, "I don't know if I am cut out for this task. This is hard!" However, the Lord reminded me that He called me to it and He picked me to be their mother through adoption. And my strength was renewed and I got back up to my task of just doing what I knew to do as a mother to many babies before. Yes, it was double and triple hard some days, (still is). I just can't explain the wisdom, patience and love He has given me through out most of my days, but just tell you that,  "It IS from the Lord! and I CAN do all things through CHRIST, who strengthens me!"

Well, onto Isaiah and Ellie's medical stuff. 

Last week we had 2 important appointments. Ellie saw the orthopedic surgeon and Isaiah saw the cardiologist. Ellie went in last Monday and then had xrays taken. We finally heard the findings last night. She has a deformed right fibula, hip dysplasia and mild scoliosis. Her right leg is significantly shorter (although I forgot to ask by how much).

We are still not sure what the future holds for all of these. For now it is "wait, watch and further investigate" strategy. Because the doctor thinks that none of these should keep her from walking and from the other issues of her delays and inability to use her body, we have an appointment scheduled at our Children's Hospital in 3 weeks in Neurology. Then we will look at the whole picture. My mother gut tells me something is not right. She is cognitively smart, but can't seem to make her body do what she wants it to, and it is not completely orphanage delay. She started physical therapy last week, will start occupational next week and will start speech in 2 more weeks as well. More therapy..therapy..therapy..We do believe God has her in His hands and we trust that He will heal her.

Isaiah saw the cardiologist last Tuesday. Poor little guy obviously traumatized from previous medical procedures in China. Who knows all that was done, but we know at least two open heart surgeries before the age of 2. We had many quiet and loud tears at that appointment, but he was a trooper and with a snack and in Daddy's arms we had him smiling at the end of the visit.

Unfortunately, his results on the echo cardiogram were not favorable. I had been concerned, as at night time he is often restless, heavy breathing, whiny and coughing. Not all night, but it is clear he is uncomfortable. His echo showed that his pulmonary valve, which was repaired because of his Tetrology of Fallot birth defect, is still not functioning properly. There is some back flow of blood. Then the exiting blood to the lungs is also not going through the proper pathway, the pulmonary artery of one of the sides. In fact, the doctor couldn't even see it on the echo. He suspects it is too small or blocked. It is my minimal understanding that the body will still make pathways to get blood to the lungs and that is why he is still alive and breathing. All of this is causing hypertension on the right side of his heart, which is supposed to be 1/5 of the blood pressure compared to when we take it on an arm or leg. His about equal right now which is obviously too high. His Saturation % during the day at both doctor visits he had was still in low 90s. So the cardiologist advised us to have him go through a heart catheterization before a month's time. 

The day after we left Isaiah came down with a minor cold. No fever, just a little mucus drainage and small cough. That immediately increased his restlessness and coughing at night. We had been told by the nannies that since his 2nd surgery he was doing well, "except when he gets sick, it was harder for him to get over it". So I had mildly been prepared for this. But I was suspecting asthma. 

However, a thought had come to me to check his O2 levels more regularly and just see what is going on. By the 4th day of this minor cold (which was still minor) he was just not very happy and extra tired. He even took a morning nap with Ellie which he had never done before. A friend of mine has a son with a heart condition that requires lots of monitoring and I thought she might be able to help. She has a Pulse/Ox monitor that she graciously loaned to us for a couple of days. I used it when they brought it over and his O2 was at 89. I put him down for nap, just a couple hours later and in about 10 minutes into sleep it had dropped to 83. I knew I needed to monitor him at night. I put it on his foot that night and watched as best I could while sleeping myself. What I saw was a dramatic decrease in O2. It begins somewhat okay (88-90 when first laying down awake) but then it dropped as low as 75 that I witnessed while sleeping. The average number was 80-82 through out the night. When he woke up it quickly went up to 90. The doctor wants him to be over 88. So this definitely explains why he is having trouble when sleeping. I emailed the doctor who said they want him in next week and not to wait for his cath longer that that. I was so not ready for this and I know Isaiah isn't either. I trust that the Lord knows as He knew this was coming so I am resting in that.

So please pray for next Thursday at 8 AM Mountain Standard Time when Isaiah has his procedure. Jay, Ellie, Eliza and I will all go down with him for the day and I "think" the plan is for Jay to bring Ellie and Eliza home and I will stay with him if they keep him overnight. It was a hard decision as I really wanted to be with him. He is really beginning to bond with me but it is obvious he doesn't trust easily. I also don't know want to leave Elliana. Jay and her are attaching well, but she is slightly more a Mama's girl which is good and I don't want to lose that. It is important that these babies attach with Mama just a bit more, like a newborn would. They didn't get 9 months in the womb with me, and 12 months nursing. So I have to work for it, for the trust, for their love. Jay does too, but research shows if they have a strong attachment with Mama the other relationships will be healthy and secure too. Again, I cried out to the Lord today, surrendering that to Him alone. He knows what it takes to heal my babies and to make a strong attachment with their Mama and Daddy. He will do it in His way, not mine and I give Him that too!

So all your prayers are appreciated about all of the above. Truly it has been those prayers that are evident through this entire adoption journey with Elliana and Isaiah. Thank you!!

1 comment:

  1. We just got home Saturday night with our two littles about the same age as yours. Katie will be 3 in Sept. and Luke will be 2 later this month. Neither of mine is walking yet. This post is encouraging to me, simply because you're surviving it! We are so jet lagged and exhausted.
